Save Your Trades

OptionCharts Team
We just released a new feature for saving trades in our profit and loss chart. The Saving Trades feature is designed to assist traders in monitoring the outcomes of their saved trades over time. This feature allows users to record their trades, track their performance under various market conditions, and gain deeper insights into their strategies. It's a valuable resource for improving trading skills, understanding positions, and gaining a competitive edge in the market.
Use this tool to Paper trade, record your trades, track your positions, and experiment with various option strategies—all without any risk.
Example Use Case
Over the weekend, you heard that buying out-the-money calls on Robinhood ($HOOD) was a good idea. But you're a bit risk-adverse, so you'd rather just record the time, price, delta, and everything-in-between now and just reference it at a later time to see "if it would have won".
You think to yourself, "Oh boy, that's a lot to keep track of...".
You're about to bust out your pen and paper or open your favorite Excel sheet, but at that moment you learned that OptionCharts just released the Saving Trades feature.
What a coincidence! 😉
Let's use the Saving Trades feature instead.
How to use the Saving Trades feature
Search for Robinhood ($HOOD)
Select the "Profit & Loss Chart" Tab
Select the "Long Call" Strategy and then modify trade parameters
Go wild! Switch up the strategy, change the strikes, delta, quantity, whatever you want! If you'd like to just follow along, you can select the "Long Call" option and fill it out like how I did below.
Click on "Save Trade Button"
The blue button with a "floppy disk." Good times..
Name Your Saved Trade
Go crazy! But for now we'll just name this one "HOOD Long Call". Riveting, isn't it?
Viewing your Saved Trades
Clicking "Create Trade" after naming your trade will present this modal.
"View Saved Trades" Option
This option takes us to a dedicated page where we can view all of our Saved Trades at once in a table. Here we're able to view key trade metrics during the lifetime of the trade to better inform our future trading decisions such as gain/loss, max profit, max loss, and probability of profit.
"View Trade" Option
This option takes us to view the trade in the context of the Profit & Loss Chart.
Viewing Saved Trades Later
In case you want to just view your Saved Trades without opening a new one, you can click on the Profile Icon on the top right and select the "Saved Trades" option to view your Saved Trades.
Closing your Saved Trade
Not only can you track the performance of the strategy, but you can track your specific performance too. Track profitability and more by "Closing" your saved trade.
We bought our Long Call for $219.
Let's close it at $224.
We made $5!
And it's that simple! You can only imagine how powerful this tool can be for more complex trading strategies that you just aren't sure you want to commit to without seeing how it trades in real life.
Thank you for reading. We'll have even more updates soon!
Thank You for Feedback
At OptionCharts, we strive to have the best data, create the best charts, and develop the best tools to improve our users' trading. This feature was created to help users trade their favorite strategies—and try new ones—with confidence. We want our solutions to feel great to use, and if there are other areas of our platform where another feature can be added, we're always listening. You can send us feedback at, or join our new Discord Server and tell us there!